Hear from our top performers

Grace chose Antinol®️ because she was impressed with the science.

Riley was having trouble jumping in the agility ring, and jumping in and out of the car. Over 2 weeks after starting Antinol, Grace began to see changes in Riley. "It was really nice to have my dog back."

Jet-setting Qju is up and at it again, with Antinol®!

European champion Qju was living the dream until an elbow injury put her out of action. Find out how Antinol® fitted into her recovery puzzle. 

13-year-old Party is racing the other dogs and winning now!

“Seeing the transformation in her has been wonderful,” says Ginsey. “We laugh at her all the time now. It makes you feel really good that your dog is feeling so much better.”

Pauline was worried this might be the end for Effortless

Effortless had to be carried up the stairs as she slowed down due to her age. In 10 days, Effortless was moving without falling over anymore.

Val thought this was the end of Tide's agility career

Making the decision to retire Tide was one of the hardest things. But in 30 days, Tide is back to being mobile and enjoying life!

Pet Parent Testimonials


More customer stories

  • Harvey + Ronald, Antinol<sup>®</sup> 6 Months

    Harvey + 主人Ronald,服用Antinol® 6個月案例

    隨著年紀漸長,9 歲的Harvey開始出現臀部和關節不適的跡象。現在,他的後腿不再放棄他,他已經準備好散步了。 有你自己的親身經歷嗎?和我們聯絡,一同分享你毛孩的故事!

  • Ilse + Leanne, Antinol<sup>®</sup> 4 Years

    Ilse + 主人Leanne,服用Antinol® 4年案例

    4 年前,Ilse 不得不接受針灸治療,而且幾乎無法在跳上床。 Ilse 認為 Antinol® 是享受和獎勵,同時令她可以再次與主人 Leanne 一起遠足! 有你自己的親身經歷嗎?和我們聯絡,一同分享你毛孩的故事!

  • Buddy + Sierra, Antinol<sup>®</sup> 1 Month

    Buddy + 主人Sierra,服用Antinol® 1個月案例

    隨著年齡增長,10 歲的Buddy開始很艱難地才能站起來。現在,他站起來時不再經常因疼痛而發出哼哼聲了! 有你自己的親身經歷嗎?和我們聯絡,一同分享你毛孩的故事!

  • Baku + Gaelyn, Antinol<sup>®</sup> 6 Months

    Baku + 主人Gaelyn,服用Antinol® 6個月案例

    12 歲的 Baku 在開始跛行後被獸醫推薦使用 Antinol®。現在,他不再一瘸一拐地走著,整天笑瞇瞇的! 有你自己的親身經歷嗎?和我們聯絡,一同分享你毛孩的故事!

  • Rodney + Regan, Antinol<sup>®</sup> 1 Month

    Rodney + 主人Regan,服用Antinol® 1個月案例

    Rodney是一隻 10.5 歲的德國牧羊犬,他接受了後腿截肢手術。現在,Rodney可以重新做自己喜歡的事,即使他只有三條腿! 有你自己的親身經歷嗎?和我們聯絡,一同分享你毛孩的故事!

  • Max + Maria, Antinol<sup>®</sup> 3 Months

    Max + 主人Maria,服用Antinol® 3個月案例

    Max 是一隻行動不便的 8 歲德國牧羊犬,他的獸醫推薦使用 Antinol®,在 2 週內,Max 不再那麼煩躁,也可以自己站起來了。 有你自己的親身經歷嗎?和我們聯絡,一同分享你毛孩的故事!