Brandi had been suffering from joint and mobility problems. She would struggle to sit down, and when Brandi stood back up, she would raise her back left leg and refuse to apply any pressure to it. Even playing fetch was a chore rather than a fun activity.

Pet parent, Mari, went around to various board-certified vets looking for a solution, and they all recommended TPLO surgery. Mari didn’t want to take Brandi down the surgery path and was looking for an alternative. Luckily, her friend and brother both recommended she try Antinol®.
After taking Antinol® for only three months, Mari has seen a big difference already! “There’s no limping or setback so far,” Mari described. She took Brandi back for a checkup, and her primary care vet was amazed to see Brandi did not have the limp and there were no issues on the injured knee.
Since June, Brandi has been walking up to 2 miles and is trying to put back the muscle lost while resting. Brandi was given the OK to go to the beach once a week provided she use all legs equally. Now she walks and runs without any problems.
“Now all the vets say she doesn’t need surgery,” a delighted Mari exclaimed.
Mari was so impressed by Brandi’s results that she decided to put her chihuahua on Antinol® too when she began showing symptoms. After just one month of Antinol®, her chihuahua is looking much better. Now she’s able to run around excitedly and play with sister Brandi again.
Disclaimer: These stories are for informational purposes only. The information is not a substitute for expert veterinary care. Stories are written by the Antinol team based on real interviews conducted with the pet parents and represent their own observations. These observations are not guaranteed, are not medically substantiated, and may not be typical for other pets.