Our US Partners
Why the Partnership?

It is important to understand the significant connection between mobility and wellness as pets age. Antinol engaged USDAA to collaborate on a partnership that would help shed light on the important topic and raise awareness of common mobility issues faced by aging dogs and dogs engaged in sport. This partnership will help to improve and maintain the quality of life of all dogs.
Our Partnership

United States Dog Agility Association. Launched in the US in 1986, United States Dog Agility Association® Inc. (USDAA) is the world's largest independent authority for the sport of dog agility, dedicated to promoting it as a recreational, family sport that fosters responsible pet ownership.

Antinol®️ is proud to be in partnership with the USDAA and see dogs and their trainers work together at the highest level in agility. It's about all dogs maintaining their personal best, and Antinol®️ is in this partnership with the USDAA to help keep them that way.
United States Dog Agility Association Partnership
Our partnership with Antinol will help to increase awareness of both our organizations and highlight our mutual dedication to promote joint health for dogs.
About United States Dog Agility Association Inc. (USDAA)
Launched in the US in 1986, United States Dog Agility Association® Inc. (USDAA) is the world's largest independent authority for the sport of dog agility, dedicated to promoting it as a recreational, family sport that fosters responsible pet ownership.
With more than 50,000 registered competitors and more than 200 different breeds of dogs, USDAA represents nearly 200 affiliated groups that conduct events for more than 1,000 days a year throughout the world.
Today, USDAA advances the sport nationally, internationally, and virtually through live events and seminars, as well as through its involvement in the International Federation of Cynological Sports, its USDAA@Home!SM virtual competition program, and the Intercollegiate Dog Agility AssociationSM (IDAASM).
Meet Tom - Antinol’s Agility Relationship & Educational Manager
Being at agility trials is one of the most exciting sports for me to watch. To see dogs and their trainers work together at the highest level in agility is up there with the Super Bowl, the Olympics and other peak athletic sports.
Why the Partnership?

Pure happiness in motion is when a diving dog runs the length of a dock and leaps as far out into the water as possible. Antinol partnered with North America Diving Dogs because dogs need healthy joints to keep their momentum to get the best launch possible. Together we aim to raise awareness on the importance of joint health to help diving dogs leap further, higher and maintain their mobility for longer. Keep happiness in motion.
Our Partnership

Dock Diving is one of the fastest-growing dog sports. North America Diving Dogs is an organization that has increased the sport through partnerships with dock diving facilities & competitors across North America.

Antinol®️ partnered with North America Diving Dogs because dogs need healthy joints to keep their momentum to get the best launch possible.
About North America Diving Dogs (NADD)
Diving Dogs is a canine sport in which dogs are enticed to run the length of a dock and leap as far out into the water as possible to compete for height or distance. They are motivated to fly for their favorite toy, which is thrown just out of reach to help keep their momentum and get the best launch angle possible.
Dock Diving is one of the fastest-growing dog sports. North America Diving Dogs is an organization that has increased the sport through partnerships with dock diving facilities & competitors across North America.